
Latest news


Forthcoming 2025 Anscombe Memorial Lecture

We are pleased to announce that on 10 February 2025 at 4pm, the Anscombe Memorial Lecture will be held in Blackfriars Hall! In the 14th annual Anscombe Memorial Lecture, Dr Trudo Lemmens will speak on ‘Death as Therapy: Unravelling Canada’s Assisted Dying Regime’.

Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide (EAS)

Press Statement – Regrettably Limited Debate & Appreciation of the Full Evidence at the ‘Assisted Dying’ Bill’s Second Reading

The Anscombe Centre has expressed its regret at the limited debate or appreciation of the full evidence before a slim majority of MPs voted in favour of the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill at its Second Reading.

Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide (EAS)

Press Release – Public Opinion on Assisted Suicide: Unclear, Unchanged and Undecided

The advocates of assisted suicide often argue that a clear majority of the public are in favour of legalising it. When we look at the available polling data more closely and more deeply however, we find that the public are not strongly committed one way or another as the headlines would suggest, but that public opinion is much more conflicted, complex, unconfident and unconvinced than is typically recognised.

Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide (EAS)

Video: ‘Assisted Dying’ & its Impact on Palliative Care

Bioethicist Professor David Albert Jones and palliative care specialist Dr Dominic Whitehouse discuss the nature of palliative care, the state of its provision in the UK, and the negative impact of ‘assisted dying’ (euthanasia and / or assisted suicide) on palliative care according to the fullest and latest evidence.

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A virtual library of essays and articles by past and present staff members of the Anscombe Bioethics Centre. Our briefing papers, offering in-depth analysis of fast-moving issues, are also available here.


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Bioethics in Brief:
A Catholic Guide

Why is the Church against IVF even though it results in a child? Is brain death really death? Does the principle of Double Effect mean it doesn’t matter how much harm we cause, so long as we don’t intend it?

For answers to these and many more questions, check out our virtual guidebook. In this resource, you will find short articles on a range of bioethical topics, laid out in an accessible question-and-answer style


Support Us

The Anscombe Bioethics Centre is supported by the Catholic Church in England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, but has also always relied on donations from generous individuals, friends and benefactors.